A Universidade de Lisboa e a Ordem dos Economistas promovem um debate sobre as questões da energia no horizonte 2010-2020, tendo como panos de fundo:
- A necessidade de definição do compromisso português quanto à política energética, que será materializado no Detailed Action Plan para a Energia, a entregar em Bruxelas em Junho de 2010.
- As questões e os resultados da Conferência de Copenhaga.
Serão discutidas as seguintes questões:
- Qual é o nosso ponto de partida? Onde estamos, do ponto de vista da estrutura da produção e do consumo de energia, das políticas (legislação, programas de incentivos, …), da indústria e outros stakeholders?
- Qual o estado da arte e a evolução previsível das tecnologias com impacto na energia? Com que custos e impacto económico e social previsíveis?
- Que alternativas se colocam para atingirmos os objectivos para 2020? Com que consequências?
Para mais detalhes, incluindo programa e inscrições, veja a página da conferência.
terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010
Toyota's Solar Wi-Fi Flowers
To promote its new 3rd generation Prius, Toyota is planting solar-powered W-Fi flowers in key American cities. These installation-ads give people a place to sit, as well as free wireless internet and a place to plug in a laptop or cellphone.
To promote its new 3rd generation Prius, Toyota is planting solar-powered W-Fi flowers in key American cities. These installation-ads give people a place to sit, as well as free wireless internet and a place to plug in a laptop or cellphone.
sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010
Solar Industry Aiding in Haiti Recovery
As the international community works to help Haiti recover from the magnitude seven earthquake that struck the country last week, the solar industry is looking to do its part to assist the in efforts being made. The SolarWorld group said yesterday that it is donating solar modules to power 10 pump stations to provide clean, safe water for up to 175,000 earthquake survivors in Haiti. SolarWorld is donating modules to the nonprofit Water Missions International (WMI) for use in water-pumping stations in the Haitian capital of Port-Au-Prince. (...) Also this week, a DC-3 flown by Missionary Flights International landed in Haiti carrying the first wave of long-term solar lighting relief for victims of the earthquake. Solar lighting company Sol Inc. sent the lights to Haiti so that that can be delivered and installed as quickly as possible at a private medical clinic and orphanage to help with victim care, aid distribution and security.
As the international community works to help Haiti recover from the magnitude seven earthquake that struck the country last week, the solar industry is looking to do its part to assist the in efforts being made. The SolarWorld group said yesterday that it is donating solar modules to power 10 pump stations to provide clean, safe water for up to 175,000 earthquake survivors in Haiti. SolarWorld is donating modules to the nonprofit Water Missions International (WMI) for use in water-pumping stations in the Haitian capital of Port-Au-Prince. (...) Also this week, a DC-3 flown by Missionary Flights International landed in Haiti carrying the first wave of long-term solar lighting relief for victims of the earthquake. Solar lighting company Sol Inc. sent the lights to Haiti so that that can be delivered and installed as quickly as possible at a private medical clinic and orphanage to help with victim care, aid distribution and security.
quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010
Solar salvation for Haiti?
Donors are gearing up to send cell phones, streetlights, water purification systems and even audio Bibles to earthquake-hit Haiti. The bad news is that the country’s power infrastructure is on the ropes, but the good news is that these particular gadgets are solar-powered. Haiti happens to be one of the countries in the world best-suited for solar power. [For example,] "there are many water purification systems there, but they operate on diesel," Ingles told me. "Right now, diesel is in extremely short supply."
Alan Boyle reports on his blog.
Donors are gearing up to send cell phones, streetlights, water purification systems and even audio Bibles to earthquake-hit Haiti. The bad news is that the country’s power infrastructure is on the ropes, but the good news is that these particular gadgets are solar-powered. Haiti happens to be one of the countries in the world best-suited for solar power. [For example,] "there are many water purification systems there, but they operate on diesel," Ingles told me. "Right now, diesel is in extremely short supply."
Alan Boyle reports on his blog.
Primeiro hotel só com energia renovável
O primeiro hotel que irá funcionar integralmente com recurso a energias renováveis está a ser construído junto ao rio Caima, em Oliveira de Azeméis, num investimento estimado entre três a quatro milhões de euros. (...) [O Promotor] Carlos Alegria adianta que o projecto «foi aprovado pelo Fundo do Turismo por ser o primeiro hotel a funcionar apenas com recursos renováveis» e explicou: «Temos lá a mini-hídrica que abastecia uma antiga fábrica de papel e o hotel vai ter um sistema de gestão inteligente que incorpora todas as forma de energia: a eléctrica, a eólica, a fotovoltaica e a biomassa».
O primeiro hotel que irá funcionar integralmente com recurso a energias renováveis está a ser construído junto ao rio Caima, em Oliveira de Azeméis, num investimento estimado entre três a quatro milhões de euros. (...) [O Promotor] Carlos Alegria adianta que o projecto «foi aprovado pelo Fundo do Turismo por ser o primeiro hotel a funcionar apenas com recursos renováveis» e explicou: «Temos lá a mini-hídrica que abastecia uma antiga fábrica de papel e o hotel vai ter um sistema de gestão inteligente que incorpora todas as forma de energia: a eléctrica, a eólica, a fotovoltaica e a biomassa».
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010
Colóquio sobre Sistemas Fotovoltaicos
No âmbito do projecto a nossa alegre casinha da Escola Secundária Gil Eanes de Lagos realizou-se um colóquio sobre Sistemas de energia solar fotovoltaica com a colaboração do centro de Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia da Universidade de Lisboa.
sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010
Germany May Cut Rates 18% for Solar-Power Producers
Germany’s government aims to reduce rates earned by solar-power producers by 17 percent to 18 percent [instead of the schedule drop of around 10 percent] to lower consumer prices and spur solar-panel makers to compete more (...) “Cuts of such magnitude could lead to a booming demand in the first quarter and afterwards to a market shakeout because small and financially weak companies with a narrow product focus might not be able to cope,” said analysts. (...) Germany’s move would follow France, which on Jan. 13 cut tariffs for power from rooftop solar panels by 24 percent. The French government said it wanted to avoid overheating an industry that was expanding faster than other renewable energies. Spain made similar cuts in 2008 for similar reasons. (...) [In the Stock exchange] Solarworld slumped as much as 6.5 percent in Frankfurt trading, the biggest intraday drop since Sept. 1. Q-Cells fell as much as 7.5 percent while Solon SE lost as much as 8 percent.
Germany’s government aims to reduce rates earned by solar-power producers by 17 percent to 18 percent [instead of the schedule drop of around 10 percent] to lower consumer prices and spur solar-panel makers to compete more (...) “Cuts of such magnitude could lead to a booming demand in the first quarter and afterwards to a market shakeout because small and financially weak companies with a narrow product focus might not be able to cope,” said analysts. (...) Germany’s move would follow France, which on Jan. 13 cut tariffs for power from rooftop solar panels by 24 percent. The French government said it wanted to avoid overheating an industry that was expanding faster than other renewable energies. Spain made similar cuts in 2008 for similar reasons. (...) [In the Stock exchange] Solarworld slumped as much as 6.5 percent in Frankfurt trading, the biggest intraday drop since Sept. 1. Q-Cells fell as much as 7.5 percent while Solon SE lost as much as 8 percent.
quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010
Estudantes portugueses premiados em Bruxelas por veículo solar
Três estudantes da Escola Básica Integrada de São Domingos, Covilhã, foram distinguidos em Bruxelas com o primeiro prémio de um concurso europeu sobre eficiência energética, pelo seu projecto de um veículo movido a energia solar. (...) O concurso foi organizado pela FuturEnergia, um projecto de cooperação entre a associação dos produtores de plástico, e a European Schoolnet, rede de 31 ministérios da Educação da Europa, tendo a cerimónia de entrega dos prémios tido lugar no Parlamento Europeu, por iniciativa da eurodeputada portuguesa Edite Estrela, que entregou os galardões.
Três estudantes da Escola Básica Integrada de São Domingos, Covilhã, foram distinguidos em Bruxelas com o primeiro prémio de um concurso europeu sobre eficiência energética, pelo seu projecto de um veículo movido a energia solar. (...) O concurso foi organizado pela FuturEnergia, um projecto de cooperação entre a associação dos produtores de plástico, e a European Schoolnet, rede de 31 ministérios da Educação da Europa, tendo a cerimónia de entrega dos prémios tido lugar no Parlamento Europeu, por iniciativa da eurodeputada portuguesa Edite Estrela, que entregou os galardões.
A propósito do terramoto no Haiti, a relembrar outra das vantagens da energia solar
(...) O epicentro do terremoto estava apenas a 16 quilómetros de Porto Príncipe. Cerca de 4 milhões de pessoas vivem dentro e ao redor da cidade, que foi atingida por abalos sísmicos secundários até 5,9 graus de magnitude após o tremor principal. Meios de comunicação normais foram cortadas, estradas foram bloqueadas por escombros e árvores, a energia eléctrica foi interrompida e o abastecimento de água estava escasso. As únicas luzes visíveis na cidade eram as de semáforos movidos a energia solar.
(...) O epicentro do terremoto estava apenas a 16 quilómetros de Porto Príncipe. Cerca de 4 milhões de pessoas vivem dentro e ao redor da cidade, que foi atingida por abalos sísmicos secundários até 5,9 graus de magnitude após o tremor principal. Meios de comunicação normais foram cortadas, estradas foram bloqueadas por escombros e árvores, a energia eléctrica foi interrompida e o abastecimento de água estava escasso. As únicas luzes visíveis na cidade eram as de semáforos movidos a energia solar.
domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010
43% composite split-spectrum concentrator solar cell efficiency
One way of improving photovoltaic efficiency is to subdivide the solar spectrum into small energy ranges and to convert each range with an appropriate bandgap cell. Most implementations use monolithic or mechanical cell stacks, with earlier approaches based on steering different wavelengths to non-stacked cells recently re-explored. The present work extends this by putting measurements on a more rigorous basis and by improving the composite experimental efficiency of selected cells to beyond 43%, the highest reported for photovoltaic conversion.
One way of improving photovoltaic efficiency is to subdivide the solar spectrum into small energy ranges and to convert each range with an appropriate bandgap cell. Most implementations use monolithic or mechanical cell stacks, with earlier approaches based on steering different wavelengths to non-stacked cells recently re-explored. The present work extends this by putting measurements on a more rigorous basis and by improving the composite experimental efficiency of selected cells to beyond 43%, the highest reported for photovoltaic conversion.
Solar start ups and venture capital
Eric Wesoff from Greentech Media has recently listed the about 200 solar start up companies. It makes an interesting reading.
He then on goes on and picks the winning strategies... he has called it the solar start up blood bath in 2010.
He then on goes on and picks the winning strategies... he has called it the solar start up blood bath in 2010.
quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2010
Martifer Solar ganha contrato de 30 milhões em Cabo Verde
A Martifer Solar assinou um contrato no valor de 30 milhões de euros com o Ministério da Economia, Crescimento e Competitividade de Cabo Verde para o fornecimento e instalação de dois parques de energia solar nas ilhas do Sal e Santiago, informou a empresa do grupo Martifer em comunicado. (...) As centrais fotovoltaicas têm um prazo de conclusão de sete meses e, segundo a Martifer, quando forem inauguradas serão "as duas maiores centrais fotovoltaicas do continente africano". A de Santiago terá uma potência de 5 megawatts (MW), enquanto a do Sal contará com 2,5 MW.
A Martifer Solar assinou um contrato no valor de 30 milhões de euros com o Ministério da Economia, Crescimento e Competitividade de Cabo Verde para o fornecimento e instalação de dois parques de energia solar nas ilhas do Sal e Santiago, informou a empresa do grupo Martifer em comunicado. (...) As centrais fotovoltaicas têm um prazo de conclusão de sete meses e, segundo a Martifer, quando forem inauguradas serão "as duas maiores centrais fotovoltaicas do continente africano". A de Santiago terá uma potência de 5 megawatts (MW), enquanto a do Sal contará com 2,5 MW.
domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010
Shell accused of abandoning solar power buyers in the developing world
Shell has become embroiled in a major row with the World Bank and green energy companies after allegations that it is unfairly refusing to honour warranties on solar power systems sold to the developing world. A widespread breakdown of its equipment in Sri Lanka and elsewhere has left the oil firm accused of abandoning a responsibility to impoverished communities while damaging the prospects of the wider renewable power sector in a world desperate to reduce carbon emissions following the Copenhagen climate change summit.
Shell has become embroiled in a major row with the World Bank and green energy companies after allegations that it is unfairly refusing to honour warranties on solar power systems sold to the developing world. A widespread breakdown of its equipment in Sri Lanka and elsewhere has left the oil firm accused of abandoning a responsibility to impoverished communities while damaging the prospects of the wider renewable power sector in a world desperate to reduce carbon emissions following the Copenhagen climate change summit.
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